Thursday, May 10, 2012

'Courageous' (2011)

From the creators of 'Fireproof' comes another DVD filled with modern-day troubles, a religious theme and inspirational scenes.  'Courageous' features four men who are Sherrif's Deputies in a crime-riddled world.  As law enforcement officers, they are expected to protect and serve their community.  Adam Mitchell (Alex Kendrick), Nathan Hayes (Ken Bevel), David Thomson (Ben Davies) and Shane Fuller (Kevin Downes) are truly commited to their roles on the force, yet they face other challenges none of them are quite prepared to encounter.

In believable situations, these four men find that not only are their roles as peace officers difficult, but their life experiences are arduous as well; they all seem to want more from their relationships as fathers.  One officer is off-duty when someone carjacks their vehicle while their infant is inside, forcing him to take extreme measures to retrieve his child.  Another is very involved with his work, but struggles to give the equal amount of time he would like to give to his wife, daughter and son.  The partner of one officer is struggling to have a relationship with a son he rarely sees due to divorce and another is dealing with a secret he's kept hidden; that he fathered a child he abandoned.

Their friendship is one where it isn't unusual for them to get together socially, and in a type of side-story, the viewers are introducted to Javier Martinez (Robert Amaya), a struggling family man who, in a case of mistaken identity, becomes a part of their group in a humorous and emotional way.  After tragedy strikes, the reality of the things they are missing as fathers hits home.  Each man is quickly faced with decisions about their dreams and their faith while wrestling with fears and insecurities.  They are everyday heroes who want to make a positive impact on their children.

'Courageous' is the fourth film from Sherwood Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia.  In the tradition of their faith-based movies, this film expresses how spiritual men deal with sometimes unimaginable tragedy and the blessings of hope.  The commitments they make outside of their jobs are only part of what makes them courageous.

Our review:  This movie is a great family film.  While it addresses crime, gangs, violence and some drug content in the context of the roles of police officers, the lack of curse words is almost refreshing.  While some watchers may not find the religious aspects mesh well with the premise of a movie about police officers, others will find that faith-based movies are a nice change of pace from the typical 'cop' movies where violence and disturbing scenes are mainly the focus of the film.

(Our rating)

Genre: Drama, Family
Rated PG 13

Starring:  Alex Kendrick, Ken Bevel, Ben Davies, Kevin Downes

Released by: 
  • Provident Films, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment; Tri-Star and Sherwood Pictures.
Co-Written and Directed by: Alex Kendrick
Co-Written and Produced by: Stephen Kendrick
Executive Producers: Michael Catt and Jim McBride

Official Movie Trailer:

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